[$29.99] / [£19]
The automobile is an invention which has revolutionised mankind. It helps us get places we want, it runs over animals, and it pollutes the atmosphere enough to show mother nature we ain’t her bitch. The only downside is how frigging uncomfortable they are to sleep in. All of us remember family trips out where we tried to sneak some z’s by napping on a rolled up coat, the family dog or a relative’s groin. Finally, a century after the car came along, comes the Window Pillow. This is a fancy new travel pillow which can be stuck to windows using the suckers included. Stick it on the inside of car windows to grab a sly 40 winks, or sleep outside a stranger’s window and watch them eat Christmas dinner and then undress, as you fall into a saucy little slumber whilst the police arrive. No window? No problem. It also folds into one of those U-shaped pillows you buy at airports that stop you ending up in a wheelchair after a seven hour flight. You can now sleep in any position, anywhere, any time. Even in a volcano, probably. Need something more stylish? Take a look at other sleep assisting items on our site including the Pillowig, the Pillow Tie and the Wrap a Nap blindfold pillow. Sleeping has never been so easy.