[$19.99] / [£4.95]
They did it! They finally did it! Those mavericks in laboratories who have toiled away for years and years have finally come up with a solution to one of mankind’s greatest challenges. Soggy biscuit fingers. Unlike their myopic counterparts who waste their time curing cancer and other pointless things, some clever sausages have finally invented a tool for you to dunk biscuits without getting your precious fingers all mucked up. The Dipr is a plastic thin spoon that cradles circular sandwich biscuits gently down into your drink, without you having to use your fingers like an idiot. You could use this for Oreos, Custard Creams, erm, other biscuits probably. Maybe dunk a yoyo. Blind a kestrel. Blind yourself and then use this to dunk biscuits into a mug of coffee you cannot see. Genius.