[$189 - $279] / [£120 - £177]
I once bought one of those cheap beer fermenting kits from a supermarket, and the results tasted like the water you find at the bottom of a bin, if it had been regurgitated by George Best. If you want to brew beer do it properly with one of these Box Brew Kits Homebrew packs. You can buy various combinations of kit designed to make between one and three gallons of delicious liquid amnesia, with all the full kits including the necessary vessels, fermenters, grains and hops. The bigger kits include flip-top bottles which you can also buy separately. But who needs a bottle, just pour the contents directly into your gob for best results. Unfortunately the only thing these kits do not come with are the necessary moustache, chest merkin and flannel shirt required to make you into a full on blokey bloke.