The most annoying thing about owning a fridge is having to make room for the normal stuff regular people need to survive. I sustain myself on a diet of vodka and racoon eggs, but most of you lot have the huge problem of storing the occasional morsel of food in your fridge alongside your beer. Well now using the bottleLoft by Strong Like Bull Magnets, you can just stick your beer to the roof of your fridge like they’re bats or something. For a pledge of at least $20 you’ll get one or more bottleLoft strips that stick to your fridge’s ceiling with a super strong adhesive backing. The heavy duty magnets grab your beer and dangle them safely above your food as if by magic. This ingenious idea enables you to store more beer beneath the beer you’ve hung up, and in addition to the beer in your cupboards, the beer in your pocket, the beer in your hand and the beer in your stomach.