If you haven't seen the film Ted then you need to do that right now, Buy it here. Then you will realise how awesome this teddy bear is, a great bit of official movie merch! Looks cute, talks dirty...
"I look like something you give your kid when you tell them grandma died."
"C'mon, I don't sound that much like Peter Griffin."
"That's my bad, I was sending a tweet."
"The Brewski run."
"I wuv you."
"Okay, alright, so that's where we'll draw the line."
"You know what I'd like to do to her, something I call a Dirty Fozzie."
"Will you take care of me forever and ever!"
"Good talk Coach."
"Stick your finger in the loop of my tag."
"C'mere ya bastard."
"I didn't know you had a baby, is it alive?!"
And to top it all his mouth moves when he talks!